November 4, 2011

DIY: Floating Vase

This is by far one of the most practical DIY projects for our apartment! I have 2 cats, just over a year old, with an insane amount of energy. Every time Adam brings me home flowers, the cats will ALWAYS knock over the vase or chew on the petals. I was blog-browsing one day and saw this from one of my fav sites. So, I made it! It took less than 5 minutes and cost less than 5 bucks!

First, I found a piece of scrap wood at the hardware store. I had some paint lying around but didn't really like either color, so I mixed a dark greenish with an off white.

I dry brushed (barely dipping the brush in paint and wiping off most of it, to get a light dry coat), the wood piece sloppily. Dry brushing dries really quick, and I wanted some wood to show through.

Center a mason jar in the middle of the wood and drill 2 holes on either side. 

Wrap metal wire around the lip of the jar a few times until it feels snug. Slip the wire through the 2 holes and secure it in the back by twisting it really tight. Cut excess wire.

Drill 2 more holes on the top of the wood and slip wire through them, creating a hanger. I just twisted the wire to secure it in place and it worked. Find a wall in your house that needs a little color, and hang!

Remember, you can click on the photos to enlarge them:)
Happy DIY-ing!

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