March 24, 2013

The Glowing Green Smoothie

For those of you who know me, know that I try to be super aware of the foods I eat and what I put into my body. Why age sooner than we need to? ;-) (My occasional In-N-Out burger and whiskey on the weekends wouldn't prove this! But I can't be perfect). I'm highly against processed foods and keep canned foods to an absolute minimum. With that being said, this smoothie, is unreal and I'm so excited to share it. Today was the second Sunday I have come home to make it, and it makes 3 servings so I had 1 tonight and I'll take the others to work the next couple days. This is literally the equivalent of an entire salad with added fruits in just a simple drink. I am in love and it tastes sooo good. The best part is that this can be made in your blender, not your juicer. More and more people are straying away from juicers because the skin is thrown out. The skin is actually the healthiest part of the fruit/veggie! Blending is great because you get every ounce of the produce, with nothing being thrown out or wasted. A VITAMIX would be ideal for this and when I can afford one, I will definitely be purchasing!

Here's what you'll need: (I modified this from the original recipe)

~2 cups of water
~a handful of organic spinach
~a handful of organic romaine
~juice of half organic lemon
~1 organic banana
~1 organic apple
~1 organic pear
~3 sticks of organic celery

Blend the lettuce and water first.

Squeeze that lemon... the old fashion way ;-)

Add in the goods. 

Drink UP!

Stay young and ENJOY:)
xoxo, Jackie 

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