November 26, 2013

free bird ME

"Get a little ink, do a little yoga." ~Britt

I plan on blogging all about my recent trip to the Wanderlust Festival in Austin soon! But I'm going to fast forward to the last few hours of the trip when I decided to pull the trigger on getting my first tattoo. I should sorta back up though because anyone who knows me well, knows that I have never been a fan of tattoos. Mostly in the sense that I am a chicken and have the smallest pain tolerance. I also never really understood why someone would want to put a permanent mark on their body, that would most likely be painful. I mean, it's a needle! I have also never been attracted to men who had them and I felt like girls who did just looked "less feminine" (whatever the hell that means). I was ignoring that maybe, just maybe, these "marks" may have a special meaning. Something so special that only the person enduring them would fully understand.
A few months ago, I met my girlfriend at a wine lounge here in SF.
I was telling her how 2013 has been my best year in a LONG time, possibly ever. I wanted to remember it somehow, so a small tattoo would do the trick. And it did. :) It's been my best year not because I was swooped off my feet by some sexy, rich, dude who flew me all over the world. It has been my best year because I decided it would be. Really, I did. I put this post-it on my fridge last January, basically engraving into my head that this was going to be MY BEST YEAR YET. I added my favorite bible verse as a reminder too. I have looked at this every single day, and really created this "best year" on my own.
It was my least anxious, letting go of judgements and expectations, free spirited, time to enjoy this beautiful city, kind of year. And I want to forever remember it. I'm 28 and fully on my own. Not depending on anyone for my happiness or for anything at all. Just being totally about ME and doing whatever it is that makes ME happy. It has been an eye opening year, definitely full of [mostly] happy tears and a much more open mind. For that I am beyond grateful.
I felt like Austin was the perfect place to do it. I was with my best friend who I have known since the age of 5. I was in a brand new city that I fell absolutely in love with. I just finished a renewing yoga/meditation retreat. My mind my clear and my heart was open and set on getting a small bird on my inside wrist. 
I have always thought of myself as a "free bird" and my friends have always implied that I was... in many different ways. ;) The timing was absolutely perfect and I'll never, ever forget it. I will say, it hurt me. A LOT. I am probably a wimp and I'm OK with that. But it really really hurt, and although it only took him less than 30 seconds, I can't imagine myself doing it again. But then again, I never thought I would be getting a tattoo. Or teaching the tattoo artist about the benefits of yoga and actually demonstrating postures inside the parlor.
What a beautiful end to a beautiful weekend in none other than Austin, Texas!

"Free bird Jackie"..... I like it. A lot. :)

1 comment:

  1. how fun jackie, I love your tattoo!! this post makes me miss you!
