October 18, 2013

YOU are in Control

The second point Gandhi makes is easier said than done. And it sort of ties in to "Change Yourself" that I pin pointed in the last post. I have also blogged about this a few times so I won't spend much time on this one.
You are in Control. Yup, total control. You are in control of your mood, your thoughts, and your reactions. You get to wake up in the morning and decide what type of day you will have despite what is going on at the office, or in your relationship, or in the chaotic city you live. How fascinating that we have this much control over our daily lives. Sure, it's difficult at times to remember this and to put this concept into practice. We all have struggled with it and continue to do so daily. But, with continued reminders and trying to look at ourselves from the outside looking in, it starts to become easier. I'm currently reading Eckhart Tolle's book: A New Earth and he is also the author of The Power of Now. His entire idea is concentrated on living in the present moment and that we are NOT our mind. Our minds, also similar to the Ego, have the power to destroy us if we let it. He talks about this and weaves in the idea that once we learn that we have control over our minds, we no longer have to be enslaved by it. It's tough to summarize this in the small amount of typing I want to do here, but all in all, we really do get to choose, we are in control!
I choose happiness. I choose to try my absolute hardest to not allow the actions of others shake me up too much. I choose love for everyone I walk by, letting go of judgements as best I can. I choose to look at every single new day as a blessing to be alive, and the way I decide to spend that day is so important to me! Tomorrow has absolutely no guarantees, we are dust and could be removed from this world in a second. On a more personal level lately, I choose to be vulnerable, and not be afraid of possibly being let down or hurt. I choose honesty, everyday, with myself and the people who surround me. 
You get to choose too. :)

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