January 18, 2013

In, But Not of, the World

There have been countless times I have thought in my mind that I must have been born in a different decade. I used to talk to my grandma about what it was like being a kid during the great depression. All she would ever say was, "It was a hard life, but it was much simpler back then." Hard and simple are sort of oxymorons to me, but I think I understand what she's saying. I'm so curious about the 30's and what people would do before we had technology. I imagine there was more talking and more reading. More people engaging and less people taking advantage of each other. More knock out fights and less shootings. Really just more depth to people because they weren't able to hide behind a computer or text to get out of an uncomfortable situation. They were forced to look at each other and actually talk. I like that.

With that being said, I have felt before that I'm living on this Earth but not really apart of it. Being raised in a nice suburban neighborhood in San Diego, surrounded by a large group of friends, going off to a University, traveling the world for years on end and then finally settling down in one of the most expensive cities in the country, San Francisco. Most would say this was a somewhat of a privileged life, and although I've worked hard to get here, I know there are others who have worked much harder and are still struggling to make it.

The book I started a couple months ago is called "Becoming a Woman of Simplicity". It teaches us, how to live slowly in a multi tasking world and how to de-clutter our calendars. It helps us learn how to be quiet and still in the confidence of God; the way He has intended for us all along. It shows us that the important things are not tangible "things" and I really need to remember this sometimes. My sister has started this book with me and we are trying to talk about every chapter together as we finish. I read one every Friday on my day off and it really sets my entire weekend up. They take about 40 minutes per chapter because you are reading along side your bible and filling in verses and answering questions. It's stimulating and really gets you thinking! It would be too much to summarize each chapter so I'll just pick a couple points out.

This post is definitely going to have more of a Christian influence than my past ones, but it's only how I feel and chances are, you're feeling the same. If not, try to embrace it anyway. ;-)

~Profound Simplicity: God wants us to have empty pages, hours, and rooms in our lives. Social media and the "instant everything" has definitely been a blessing and a curse. It takes a conscience effort to put these things away and just to be still. To surrender to the peace and quiet and let God work his magic! ;) I've recently picked up meditation which is the hardest things I have ever done, ever! But wow, the benefits are taking it's toll and answers are easily coming to me. Here's what this book told me in chapter 1 and I love it so much: "Abiding allows the Lord to bring interesting people, worthy activities, and valuable things into my life in the right way, at the right time, and for His purpose." I love that.

~Trusting not Worrying: Ahhh it is so hard for us to believe in what we cannot see. But how amazing it is when miracles happen and our prayers get answered. We have to let go of the past and although the future should be on the forefront of our minds, it should not consume us. Rather, focusing on today and putting one foot in front of the other, with God on our minds, is absolutely more enriching and fulfilling. There will be trials along the way, but trust don't fear. James 1:2-8 basically says: "If you are lacking, ask God and you will receive. But do not doubt. Believe."

~It's an upside down, crazy world: The world will always try to stray us away from God. We are surrounded by temptations and distractions every single day. The closer we get to God, the closer he gets to us. For me this is essential because he's helping me to stray away from the negativity in all sorts of aspects. I'm getting better at pushing certain people and situations out of my life, the second I know they won't benefit me. "Set yourself free from the stifling atmosphere of pleasing others and fitting into the little patterns that they dictate." 

It really is impossible for me to summarize this entire book so these are just a couple of points that I've highlighted and that have stuck out for me. I hope all of my girlfriends will read this and study it, it's opening my eyes to an entirely different world. A more simple world where even in the midst of iPhones, social media, and the bustling city I live in, I am able to find calmness and serenity. I like it and really can't see my life any other way.

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