January 20, 2012

Friday thoughts

Fridays' are my safe haven because thankfully, I don't have to work. :) These mornings always include me sleeping till around 9, or until a cat jumps on my head asking to be fed. Sun is almost always shining, (our apartments gets the most light around this time), and after sleeping at least 10 hours I perk right out of bed and walk to my coffee press. Mmmm it smells so good in here. ;) Today, I woke up to this:

San Francisco, like most of the country, got off to a late Winter, and I am so glad it's here. It's a perfect day for blogging, pinning (love the fact that this is a new verb!) a facial, mani/pedi... all before we head on a plane home tonight for my best friend's engagement party! Here's what my morning looks like:

My SLR has unfortunately broke. To my luck, it wasn't even at the bar. I dropped it on my hardwood floor and now it won't focus. Let this be a lesson to spend the extra couple hundred dollars for the warranty, which I did, and it lasts 5 years. That is currently being fixed so my flip phone will have to do the trick for now. ;) I don't really have a point for this blog today, I have been slacking so much on writing and maybe that's why I've been on more of an edge lately. This is so therapeutic for me and I need to set the time aside to write more. While pinning this morning I read this, and it sparked something I wanted to tell you about:

There was a study done at UCSF that Adam was recently telling me about. It somehow proved (I will need to find the literature for this, but all in all it's a great concept), that people who started writing down a few things per day that they were grateful for, were all around much happier people. Usually when we have a bad day, our thoughts are so overpowering on that "bad day". Throwing these vibes into the universe "this was the worst day ever", or even repeatedly coming home in a bad mood after work, can really bring negativity to homes and relationships. Vibes are SO powerful, I mean, I can instantly feel people and the energy they bring into a room. It can change an environment right away. Anyway, this study shows that even in the midst of an awful day, come home and write down a few things that you can choose from that day, which made you happy, even if only for a second. So, Adam and I started a Gratuity Journal (we each have our own sitting on our night stands), and we write down 3 things each night that were thankful/grateful for. Of course we all get beyond stressed at work sometimes, but those negative thoughts again, will overtake most positive ones, leaving people really bummed out and irritable/sad/depressed/you name it. The study showed that people who did this (not sure the period of time yet), were overall much happier. I found that it allows me to dig into the really important things and remember that life is much, much worse for a lot of other people. The mind, I believe, is our most powerful tool and it's exhilarating, isn't it? That we have this much control over how our mood, our day, and our life, will be. Here's a small example of mine, this was the day I got home from Denver... a lil blurry, but you get the idea:

I hope you'll start one too!
Happy lazy Friday!


  1. Love this :) So jealous of all that San Fran rain.. Enjoy your weekend at home, I leave for Colorado in the morning!!

  2. That's right! I am missing you this weekend, but would be so fun to get together somewhere amidst all these great cities:) Have a great time at home, looks like the sun is shining!!!
