I remember when I interviewed for dental hygiene school, one of the teachers interviewing me said, "Ok, now tell us 3 of your qualities." I remember being stumped, not interviewing much before and really, who wants to "brag" about themselves per say. I mean, who can answer this off the top of their head, I thought it was an interesting question. Anyway, I told her that I feel as though I'm easily adaptable. I somehow become obsessed with the city or town that I live in. Maybe it's because I've always chose to be positive about where I'm living because it was the choice I made. And I'm really not going to live any other way except positive and happy. So with that being said, I have lived in some cool cities and have had a blast in every single one of them.
Growing up in San Diego was obviously extremely nice (although my blood is forever warmed up and I don't do cold weather easily at all). But I knew there was no way I was going to stay in California for college. I wanted a change, and any change would do. After applying to 13 universities, I decided to stay fairly close and ended up moving to Flagstaff, Arizona then Denver, Colorado. Both places snowed, and snowed a lot, in my opinion. I think knowing that both of these were temporary towns, got me through the winters. And if it wasn't snowing, it was just plain freezing a few months out of the year. And even that was too long for me. I lived in Sydney for half a year (ahhh the sunshine I'm used to), moved back to San Diego, traveled Europe for a few months, and then what do you know? I resided in San Francisco. And I really don't see myself ever leaving. Like ever.

The new LED lights on the bay bridge! We sometimes forget about our other amazing icon! They will be lit for 2 years, and never repeat the same cycle twice.. come see it!
San Francisco is so much more than cable cars and clam chowder. I mean, we have the best sourdough bread, the hills keep you in great shape and the infamous Golden Gate bridge is pretty phenomenal if you get up close and personal to it. It takes my breath away every time I see it, exactly how the Eiffel Tower did the first time I saw it.
No, but really. San Francisco is so much more than all of this. It's a progressive city that welcomes absolutely everyone. Every shape, size, religion, you name it. Whatever you are or however you feel about a cause or an idea, bring it here and people will listen. And you might get rich just by getting your word on the street. This is the city of start up companies and crazy/weird/awesome ideas. You have a plethora of neighborhoods that will suit any personality. You can go 3 miles from Union Square in Downtown and be on an amazing hiking trail under the golden gate bridge in the middle of redwood trees. You can shoot north 3 hours for some of best skiing in the world (not my cup of tea!), or you can shoot south 10 miles for some of the best surfing in the world (this is more like it).
If you love to eat and care about where your food comes from, this is your city. Menus change seasonally so you are eating fresh and local. Whatever you want, you can find here. I could go so long about how in love with this city I have become. But you'll have to come see for yourself. Here's a beautiful video that I think does my home justice. You'll have to click on the link below: Enjoy!